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Saturday 25 April 2015

What Affects Britain's Climate?

Many different things affect the climate of the Britain, here are the main ones.

When you travel closer to he equator and further away from the Poles the temperature gets warmer because the sun's rays have less distance to travel..  Britain is fairly in the middle, giving it a maritime climate, but this explains why the north of Britain is generally colder than the South.

This is the height of the land.  The higher you go, the colder it gets.  Generally speaking, every 150m you ascend it gets 1 degree coler.

Distance From The Sea-
In the winter, the sea retains it heat from the summer, making it warmer the closer you are to the sea.  However, in the summer the opposite occurs and the sea retains the cold from the winter so the closer you are to the sea, the colder it is.

Ocean Currents-
The North Atlantic Drift and the Gulf Stream both meet the west side of Britain, making it warmer, but also allowing more frontal rainfall to occur, as warm sea water is required for this.

Prevailing Winds-
The wind in Britain blows from the south-west 80% of the time, this wind is warm.  Because of this the South-West of England is generally warmer than the North.

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