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Thursday 9 April 2015

Indicators, Acids and Alkalis

These are definitions for specialist words to do with Indicators, Acids and Alkalies.
Acid-A type of substance which tastes sour.(e.g. Lemon Juice)
Alkali-A type of substance which tastes soapy.(e.g. Soap!)
Neutral-a type of substance which is neither acid nor alkali.(e.g. Distilled Water)

Indicators change their appearance when they come in contact with particular substances to indicate the presence of a substance.


Limewater-  Changes from clear to chalky to indicate the presence of CO2.
Anhydrous Copper Sulphate-  Changes from white to blue to indicate the presence of water.
Anhydrous Cobalt Chloride-  Changes from blue to pink to indicate the presence of water.
Yellow Highlighter=Chemical test for water.

Indicators That Display The Presence of Acids or Alkalis


  • Litmus is purple.
  • Turns red in the presence of acids.
  • Turns blue when added to alkalies.
  • Does not change colour when added to neutral substances.
Universal Indicator Solution
  • Is available as a dye or as a test paper.
  • Will change colour for different PH values.
The PH Scale
  • Measures the strength of acids and alkalies.
  • The scale runs from 0-14.
  • Neutral is 7
  • Anything below 7 is acidic.
  • Anything above 7 is alkali.

The PH Scale With Examples, These Must Be Remembered

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