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Wednesday 8 April 2015

Types of Erosion

There are several different types of erosion in rivers and coasts, the following are the main four from each topic.

Erosion in Rivers

  • Attrition-When the load of a river collide with each other and break each other up.
  • Abrasion-When small material rubs against the bed and banks of the river.
  • Corrosion-When acid in the water dissolves rock from the bed and banks of the river.
  • Hydraulic Action-When the water and the air force each over into small holes in the soil, moving them away.
Coastal Erosion
  • Attrition-When pebbles and other stones in waves hit each other, eventually creating sand.#
  • Abrasion-Waves throwing its rocks and pebbles at cliffs, eroding their base.
  • Corrosion-Acid in the sea spray dissolves rock.
  • Hydraulic Action-When water fores air into cracks in cliffs, which, when the air is continually compressed by the water, forces the rock to break.

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